Recent Questions
Q: Before purchase this product in Multiple Websites Licence, I would like to know:
In your licence sample to get the key, the domain name is "".
Can I use as domain name a IP address (for Intranets), like "" to get the key for the java right click menu?
A: You should register the menu for a domain name or for IP address.
In other words, you should register the menu for the domain name thatyou print in a browser's search string, for example:
But you menu won't work on a local machine, for example
Q: Do you have a Mac version for javascript menu navigation?
A: You should download free trial version on MAC.
So, you'll have MAC version of Deluxe Menus.
And use the licensed engine files from the licensed .zip
(you candownload it from the link in your license message).
Unfortunately we don't have html version of the Tuner for Deluxe Tree
and Deluxe Tabs now. We'll try to create it in the nearest future.
You can find all templates for Deluxe Tree, Deluxe Tabs, Popup Window, Calendar in thetrial package.
More info about installation and parameters you can find on our websites:
Q: I have another question:
Menu behavior in SAFARI is does not properly work compared to EXPLORER.
If you have a look at the site via SAFARI, please do the following:
Under menu "Projets" select "par pays" then "Afrique" then "Algerie".
It will then show a left hand menu. Please select "2008/2010".
It will correctly show content.
Then if you try to select again via menu "Projets"; the html menu navigation does not show anymore the submenus. You still need to click a menu without submenus, like "News", and then afterwards you can click "Projets" and the system will again show submenus.
This strange behaviour does not appear in EXPLORER nor in FIREFOX.
A: The problem is in your frame structure after you open "Projets" select "par pays" then "Afrique" then "Algerie".
Your menu won't work correctly with such frame structure.
You should use the following frame structure for all pages at once:
topFrame with the html menu navigation
Algerie_leftFrame |
with | Algerie_mainFrame
Tree Menu |
and write your init function in the following way:
dm_initFrame("frmSet", 0, 2, 0);
Or you shouldn't use Algerie_leftFrame and Algerie_mainFrame at all (use one mainFrame) and write your init function in the following way:
dm_initFrame("frmSet", 0, 1, 0);Q: Is it possible to change the mouseover font style to bold within the deluxe menu?
A: Unfortunately, Deluxe Menu can't change font weight.
If you want to do that you can paste your own <div> withinitem's text field and change a font yourselves.
For example:
function changeFont(obj, over)
{ = over ? 'bold' : 'normal';
var menuItems = [
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>item text</div>", link, ...]