Recent Questions
Q: How do assign my own onclick events to menu options for the dhtml menubar?
I want do more than just redirect to an href.
A: Actually you can use your own Javascript code instead standard links.
For example:
var menuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_code_here"]
var menuitems = [
["<div onClick='your_code_here'>item text</div>", ""]
Q: I downloaded the trial versionto try and it seems like it should do the horizontal sub menus, but not sure what parameter controls it. Can you help?? The effect I am looking for is this:
About Us Product Contact
Widget 1 Widget 2 Widget 3
Hope you can help!
A: You should use the following parameter:
var smViewType=0;
Q: Can I add the value of the parameter to the link where I want my application to go when I active a submenu in the menu script?
A: Actually you can add php code inside menu links.
If you define your parameter in .js file you should write yourlinks in the following way, for example:
$key = 123456;
["Home","<? echo $key ?>", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
If you define your key parameter in the php file you should move your
menuItems into your php page directly:
$key = 123456;
<script type="text/javascript">
var tmenuItems = [
['Deluxe Menu','','icon.gif',,,,,],
['Deluxe Tree','','icon.gif',,'New!',,,],
['Deluxe Tabs','','icon.gif',,'New!',,,],
["Home","<? echo $key ?>", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: Thank you so much for your time and assistance - I've been charged with this project and still struggling a little. Considering my total ignorance to code, I'm understanding much better now, but could you please take a look at the page and tell me why I now have double menus and how to correct?
A: It happens because at first you call
<SCRIPT src="CHSD Map_files/data.js" type=text/javascript > </SCRIPT >
and then you paste the content of data.js file in your code.
That's why you have two menus on your page.Please, delete one of them.