Recent Questions
Q: How do you center the text within the top-level menu cels for the xml drop down menu?
There doesn't seem to be a setting for it in the tuner.
There's a justification option for the sub-menus, but not for the top.
A: Use the following parameter to specify align for the top items:
var itemAlignTop="center";Q: I did have a question. I cannot seem to figure out how to get the individual menu styles to be applied to any of my items for thenavigation bar through the Deluxe Tuner. I’ve looked through through your documentation, but I cannot find anything that explains to me how I do this in the Deluxe Tuner.
A: To create Individual styles click "Edit Individual Styles..." button.
1) In the "Individual Styles" window click "Add Style", enter the nameof the new style.
2) Edit parameters of your style
4) Click "OK" button.
5) Select items (you can use Ctrl and Shift buttons to select group ofitems) and assign "Item Style"/"Submenu Style" to it. (in the "Item Parameters" window)
Q: My office-colleague gilles petremand just bought your "deluxe menu" and all-in-all it looks great!!!!
What we don't manage to do is to create a moving java menu sample based on.
Is this only possible with the "ms office toolbar-like mode" 'coz we'd like to use the image based menue template and change it to a moving one - POSSIBLE?!?
A: To create a movable or floatable menu you should set severalparameters in your data file only.
See more info here:
To create movable menu you should set the following parameters:
//--- Movable Menu
var movable=1;
var moveWidth=12;
var moveHeight=20;
var moveColor="#AA0000";
var moveImage="movepic2x20.gif";
var moveCursor="move";
var smMovable=1;
var closeBtnW=13;
var closeBtnH=16;
var closeBtn="closebtn.gif";
To create floatable menu you should set the following parameters:
//--- Floatable Menu
var floatable=1;
var floatIterations=6;
var floatableX=1;
var floatableY=1;
Q: Is there a way to have the menu stay expanded in the same exact state when
I click on a menu item of the javascript tree view and go to a new page?
A: There is no need to write additional code on a server side to remember what items were expanded/collapsed.
DHTML Tree Menu can save items state automatically.
Please, see the example of the menu that works with cookies:
Set the following parameter:
var tsaveState = 1;
and the menu remembers its structure for each user who visit your page.
Try to expand/collapse items. Then reload the page and you'll see results.