Recent Questions
Q: I can't figure out how to get menu items to swap images to use like a traditional image rollover. In the Dhtml menu, I can change the style background without needing images, or I can use generic images as a background, but I have situations where I need to use unique images for each state of a button.
These unique image buttons contain text and graphics, and there are different images for different states: normal, mouse over, mouse down.
A: The menu has only two states normal and mouseover.
You should use Individual Item Styles.
Please, see the example of Deluxe Menu here:
You should use "itemBackImage" parameter.
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=92px","itemBorderWidth=0","fontStyle=normal 11px Tahoma","fontColor=#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF","itemBackImage=btn_greenblack.gif,btn_green.gif"],
Q: I tried to add a fixed width on some of the items that I thought had too much empty space on the right of the text but would not work. Is it possible to have a fixed amount of pixels after the text for all navigation items of the css drop-down menu?
A: You can set padding parameter in the following way:
var itemPadding="3px 15px 3px 3px";
top right bottom left
Q: Now I am coming across one more problem...
The alignment of the menu is off.
Where I can download previous versions of the menu?
A: I suppose that you're saying about submenu position.
Please, check the following parameters
var topDX=0;
var DX=0;
You can download trial package from the following links:
Q: For some strange reason the border that outlines the java script tab area is missing.
A: You cannot set this border using Deluxe Tabs parameters.
You should set it in the DIVs style.
<div id="ExpenseInformation" style="visibility: visible; width: '800px'; border: 1 solid;" class="tabPage">
Or in the "tabPage" style.