Recent Questions
Q: I dowloaded the free trial of this product and I am trying to figure out how to put dhtml pulldown menu into a website that I have built with's Site Builder. I just CANNOT figure out what all I need to do to get it to work.
I am willing to pay for someone to install it or pay for the product but I need to make sure it will work on this site!
A: Unfortunately we don't work with page builder.
1. upload the folder with all menu files in the same folder with your html page.
2. open the page in your program
3. open html source code of the page
4. add several rows of code (<script> tags), For info see: I have the trial of deluxe menu. We are in the process of purchasing it.
I just noticed that the div drop down menu are not going in front of a flash element that is on the page.
I have set the "opaque" value as per your faq.
Any other things I should check to get the div drop down menu to be in front of the flash element?
A: You should add the following function in the beginning of your data file
function dm_ext_ruleObjectHide()
return false;
See more info here:
Q: We are registered users of the Deluxe Menu software. Today I tried to use the Javascript API, but there is something I do not understand and want to ask for support.
First, I set up a very simple menu:
var menuItems=[
['Menu 1'],
['|Submenu 1'],
['Menu 2'],
['|Submenu 2'],
This menu is built via dm_init().
Then, I inspect the menu (in Firebug):
>>> dm_ext_getSubmenuParams(0, 0)
["dm0m0", 2, "", 0, 1]
>>> dm_ext_getSubmenuParams(0, 1)
["dm0m1", 1, "dm0m0i0", 1, 0]
>>> dm_ext_getSubmenuParams(0, 2)
["dm0m2", 1, "dm0m0i1", 1, 0]
Ok, there are three submenus. Now I am going to delete one of them:
>>> dm_ext_deleteItem(0, 0, 1)
"Menu 2" disappears on the screen, this works as expected. But now when I re-inspect the menu using the API, I find that the API reports exactly the same as before:
>>> dm_ext_getSubmenuParams(0, 0)
["dm0m0", 2, "", 0, 1]
>>> dm_ext_getSubmenuParams(0, 1)
["dm0m1", 1, "dm0m0i0", 1, 0]
>>> dm_ext_getSubmenuParams(0, 2)
["dm0m2", 1, "dm0m0i1", 1, 0]
So, it seems the report function continues to know about the original menu structure and reflects it. Am I using the API in a wrong way?
The problem I want to solve is to remove the entire menu dinamico dhtml, in order to rebuild it dynamically. Because I did not see a function aimed to this functionality, my plan was to delete all main menu entries subsequently until the main menu inspector no longer reports an entry. Is there (a better) way to achieve this?
A: Unfortunately, dm_ext_deleteItem() only change visibility of theseitems.
It doesn't delete them completely.
We'll try to fix it in the next versions of Deluxe Menu.
Q: I try to fix the height of the submenu "Zone Climatiques" to 400px but I didn't find the way to do this. It worked by setting var smHeight=400px but that setting set all submenus. I would like set only the height of "Zone climatiques" submenu.
Thanks for your help.
A: You should create Individual Style
var menuStyles = [
["menuBackColor=transparent","menuBorderWidth=0","itemSpacing=1","itemPadding=0px 5px 0px 5px"],
and assign it to the first item in submenu
["3101 - Ste-Anne-Des-Monts","ProcessClimaticZone/,2003-11-13", , , , , ,"1","stationSubMenu.htm?climaticZoneId=3101,2003-11-13",],