Recent Questions
Q: I am trying to change the Width for only one javascript popup menu item and going to the below menu individual style and changing the smwidth .
But this is not changing.
A: You should assign Individual Submenu Style for the items.
You can assign it in the "Item Parameters" window.
Select for example the first item in submenu and assign IndividualSubmenu Style.
Q: We're interested in the pop up menu (context menu) you offered. Is it possible to generate multiple context menus at the same page?
Is the context menu also 508 compliant, in other words, keyboard accessible?
A: Yes, you can use as many context menus as you want on the same page.
You should call your data files at first
<script type="text/javascript" src="data-deluxe-menu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data-deluxe-menu1.js"></script>
<img src="deluxe-menu.files/logo_w.gif" onClick="return dm_popup(0, 1000, event);" style="cursor: pointer;"> //1st menu
<img src="deluxe-menu.files/logo_w.gif" onClick="return dm_popup(1, 1000, event);" style="cursor: pointer;"> //2nd menu
You can use keyboard in context menus but you have to click (or hover) the image. And only after your subitems appear you can press "Ctrl+F2" and arrow keys to navigate themenu.
But if you have multiple menus on one page and use keystrokes support you can navigate only the first menu.
Q: I am a web developer and evaluating your product using the Trial Version. I created navigation bar for our website.
It is displaying fine (centered) when using Internet Explorer 7.0. When I access the same website using FireFox Browser, the java drop down menu code aligns on the left.
A: It is not correct to write
you should write
You should set the following menu parameters:
var absolutePos=0;
var posX="0px";
var posY="0px";
Q: I using "deluxe menu Tree " : floating menu and I would like to remove the icon on the right, setting TXPExpandBtn.Is this possible?
A: No, you cannot remove expand buttons in var tXPStyle=1;.
But you can use another images for them. You can change it in Submenu Styles.
You can use var tXPStyle=0; also.