Recent Questions
Q: The menus I am trying to change, it seems as though thetransparency is too light.
Where in the drop down menu asp do you reduce some of the transparency?
A: Use the following parameter:
var transparency="100";Q: How many of the menus (templates) allow for a javascript float menu?
A: Actually all templates can float, you should only set the followingparameters:
var floatable=1;
var floatIterations=5;
var floatableX=1;
var floatableY=1;
var floatableDX=15;
var floatableDY=15;
You can find a javascript float menu sample here:
Q: I downloaded the tuner and am testing the file prior to purchasing. Is there a way to set up categories and beneath those categories there are subitems...then depending on what page I am on in the website, the appropriate category and subitems automatically show up in the javascript tree view menu?
If so, can you please tell me where and how to setup a menu if it's just changing a variable. Maybe you have an example of the web?
Here's an example of what we are needing. If you open your website there are 2 sep. menus, one at the top and one on the side.
If I click Samples on the top menu, the samples submenu should automatically expand on the javascript tree view menu. How would I set this up?
A: See how you should highlight and expand the selected items here:
I'm sending you the example.Q: The only remaining problem I see is that the html popup menu appears in slightly different positions depending upon where your mouse touches the icon.
Is there a way to make the menu position absolute in respect to the icon? I have tried playing with the menu item parameters that seemed related with no success.
A: See dm_popup() function parameters:
return dm_popup(menuInd, pause, event, x, y)
menuInd - index of the menu on a page, >= 0.
pause - determines the time when the html popup menu will be hidden.
event - constant. Do not change.
x, y - optional. Set these parameters if you want the menu to appear in the specified place.
In other case the menu will be shown in the mouse position.