Recent Questions
Q: Whenver I choose the enable Ajax feature and set the AjaxCount to 0, my menus don't pop out anymore. How do I get it to pop out?
A: That variable set the maximal number of submenus that will be loadedfrom server on your page.
If you don't know exact number of submenus you can set a big value forthis parameter.
If you set var dmAJAXCount=0; you cannot see you submenus.
To enable Ajax feature you should set, for example:
var dmAJAX=1;
var dmAJAXCount=100;
Q: I'm looking at purchasing your product but have one small problem. I'm using the expandable menu and would like to have the menu save the state when reloading or refreshing the browser.
Can this be done with the expandable menu? If so, what is the syntax?
A: I advise you to use Deluxe Tree, This is a newer version of Dhtml TreeMenu.
You should use the following parameter:
var tsaveState = 1;
Example, you can find here:
Q: I would love to buy your product BUT, I am not sure if it will do what I want - can I call javascript within the dynamic menu?
For example my old page for disaster recovery we have inserted a URL substitution :
The javascript function is called at the top of the nav page:
<script LANGUAGE = "JavaScript" SRC = "../urlSub.js"> </script>
then the link on the nav menu
<a> href="#" ONCLICK = "urlSubstitution('transco/sheet.asp?stype=1')">Table of Contents </a>
HOWEVER, Im not sure if this is possible with your product?
A: Yes, it is possible.
Actually you can use your own Javascript code instead standard links and html code inside item text. For example:
var menuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_code_here"]
var menuitems = [
["<div onClick='urlSubstitution(\'transco/sheet.asp?stype=1\')'>Table of Contents</div>", ""]
];Q: I need to set individual itemtargets for a number of menu items for the web drop down menu?
A: You can set target parameter for all items:
var itemTarget="_blank";
or var itemTarget="main";
Where main - is the name of the main frame where you want to open the link.
or for each item individually:
["Home","testlink.html", "", "", "", "_blank", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Home","testlink.html", "", "", "", "main", "", "", "", "", "", ],