Recent Questions
Q: I just discovered your product and I think it is fabulous! I would like to buy it, but have one issue which is strange:
I have a list of 12 items, each with a submenu that is loaded using the ajax technology. The submenues are loaded correctly for the first 8 items, but not for the last 4 items. I can switch items around, always the first 8 only get loaded. Is there a limitation to 8 items?
A: No, there is no such limitation.
Please, check the following parameter:
var dmAJAXCount=0;
That variable set the maximal number of submenus that will be loadedfrom server on your page.
Q: We purchased your menu about 2 months ago and were curious if your menu has scrollable Sub-Menus or Scrollable Flyouts?
This is when you have a long sub-menu item and the user can click on up or down arrows on the menu fly-out to scroll to the next item.
If you are unclear as to what I am talking please let me know as I have seen this functionality in many popular DHTML Menus
A: Deluxe Tree doesn't have scrollable submenus. You should scroll yourwindow to see the whole menu.
We have smart scrollable feature in Deluxe Menu
Q: I'm looking for a menu system that can be placed in a cell. I think is easy and fast way to make pages. Is is possible with your product?
A: Thanks for your interest in our products.Yes you can paste the menu inside the <div> or <table> tag.
Q: .How can I open frameless pop up window upon the page loading?
A: To open the popup window upon the page loading you should set thefollowing parameter:
You can find this parameter in Deluxe Tuner.