Recent Questions
Q: One other issue I'm having is that the content for the menu bar in java "selected tab" on my site does not show up in IE7. Works fine in firefox, though. Any ideas about that?
A: Try to delete height: 0%; parameter from the styles:
<div id="content1" style="height: 0%; visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
So you'll have:
<div id="content1" style="visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">Q: I don't know anything about what JavaScript is all about...and I'm currently trying to get a menu that will float as I scroll down the page.
I saw the examples you have and I'd love to be able to do that on my website, but I don't understand the scripting that you have written there.
Like, what makes it float from this text...
A: If you want a floatable menu, you should set an absolute position forthe menu and paste the following code into your html page:
Paste the following code into <head> tag
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "data.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data.files/dmenu.js"></script>
Then set coordinates of top-left menu corner in the data .js file, forexample:
var absolutePos=1;
var posX=30;
var posY=110;
Then set var floatable=1.
The parameter floatable=1 makes a floatable menu.
Also you can change any of menu parameters inside data .js file.
Q: Thank you for your prompt replay- the menu now works! However, the multi level dhtml menu takes forever to load up as demonstrated on our website. I was wondering whether there was any possible way of getting it to load up faster.
A: I have noticed no delays in the menu loading.
But your menu is big enough. You can try to us AJAX technology.
Try to set the following parameter also:
var dm_writeAll=1;
Q: I've been playing with this product and it does exactly what I need so far!.
My problem question is this:-
The menu I have created shows a several icons that activate cgi code on the web server. What I want to know is can these drop down menus change the image when an icon is actually pressed?
I trying to find how I can present the user with a button pressed in image when the icon is clicked and maintain that image until another icon in that menu is pressed?
Can this be done? If not is it something you can do for me at a cost?
A: See more info about pressed item here: