Recent Questions
Q: I have looked through the FAQS on your site, but can’t find a clear answer to this questions:
Can a menu submenu dhtml be triggered to an open state upon onload?
I can get the top level menu over state to show, but the drop downs won’t open.
A: Unfortunately it is not possible to highlight the pressed menu submenu dhtml itemin Deluxe Menu now. You can highlight the top items only.
Q: We purchased the Deluxe Menu a few months ago and are extremely happy with the product. We have been getting great compliments about our new navigation system.
The menu has over 500 links and functions like a dream! One issue I am having, that I just cannot seem to figure out how to fix, is the following:
Our nav menu is displayed approx. 70 pixels from the top of the browser window. On the drop down links that have a number of items (example 1 in the image below), they display underneath the menu, however on the links that have only a few items, they display above the menu bar in java script as in example 2 in the image below.
How can I set it so that no matter how many drop-down items there are, they always display under the menu bar in java script, not on top?
A: Try to set the following parameter:
var subMenuVAlign="top";
Q: Your drop down menu builder makes about every kind of menu except the one that is hot right now...the slider menu.
A: But we have the Tree Menu,
It is the slide menu.
See also other APYCOM products:
Deluxe Tabs,
Deluxe Popup Window,
Calendar Date Picker,
Vista Buttons,
Vista Photo Gallery,
Q: Deluxe html tabs appears to not work at all on Windows Vista machines running Internet Explorer. This includes for example that the content in the tabs simply does not appear. Is there a fix for this?
Just want to make sure I can resolve these issues before making a purchase.
A: Try to delete height: 0%; parameter from the styles:
<div id="content1" style="height: 0%; visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
So you'll have:
<div id="content1" style="visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">