Recent Questions
Q: I had to put the site live and had taken out the white border. I've used one of the better elements of your application and put a second data file (data1.js) and a sample page up that recreates the aberrant behavior in IE and the missing border-bottom in Firefox and Opera.
In IE, the entire border of each element has about a 5px white border until you mouseover each element. Then the border-bottom (1px solid white) shows correctly.
In both Firefox and Opera the border doesn't show at all.
A: Try to write so:
var absolutePos=1;
var posX="10";
var posY="400";
var itemStyles = [
["itemBorderWidth=0 0 1px 0","itemBorderStyle=solid,solid","itemBorderColor=#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF"],
Q: Comprehensive Mental Health has a site license to \use Deluxe Menu. We are currentlyrunning version 2.0.
Unless we set the topdy parameter to be -65, our submenus do not appear adjacent to the toplevel menu. Below are our parameters and our menu. What is causing this problem?
A: It is possible that you have some problems with your css.
The problem is that the script can't get css properties of the object if they are described in separate .css block (or file).
In other words, you can't get the value of "position" attribute of the object if the object doesn't have this property within inline style(style="position:absolute"). To get the value you should move .css style into style="" attribute.
Please, try to add your
css file -> inline css, for example:
You should add <DIV id=SiteMenu>
to the
So, you'll have:
<DIV id=SiteMenu style="position:absolute;">
Check that.
Q: I regret to inform you that I have not fail understand, how can change place of the icon in software Deluxe Tuner(Menu).
A: You should add icons for the item in the "Item Parameters" window.
Now you have:
var arrowImageMain=["vertikalno menu.files/icon_office_tuner2.gif","vertikalno menu.files/arrv_black.gif"];
var arrowImageSub=["vertikalno menu.files/arrv_black.gif","vertikalno menu.files/arrv_black.gif"];
But you should add "vertikalno menu.files/icon_office_tuner2.gif" iconin the "Item Parameters" window.
So you will have in your menuItems
var menuItems = [
["New Item","testlink.html", "vertikalno menu.files/icon_office_tuner2.gif", "vertikalno menu.files/icon_office_tuner2.gif", , , , , , ],
["|New Item ","", , , , , , , , ],
["|New Item","", , , , , , , , ],
["New Item","", "vertikalno menu.files/icon_office_tuner2.gif", "vertikalno menu.files/icon_office_tuner2.gif", , , , , , ],
["|New Item","", , , , , , , , ],
["|New Item","", , , , , , , , ],
["New Item","", "vertikalno menu.files/icon_office_tuner2.gif", "vertikalno menu.files/icon_office_tuner2.gif", , "_blank", , , , ],
["|New Item ","", , , , , , , , ],
["|New Item","", , , , , , , , ],
["New Item","testlink.htm", "vertikalno menu.files/icon_office_tuner2.gif", "vertikalno menu.files/icon_office_tuner2.gif", , , , , , ],
["|New Item ","", , , , , , , , ],
["|New Item","", , , , , , , , ],
Q: I am evaluating your tabs before I purchase and I raninto a small problem.I need to be able to execute some javascript when I click on a tab in a navigation bar tabs
A: You can use your own javascript functions in the menu items.
You should paste "javascript:some_function()" into item's link field, for example:
["tab text","javascript:'test.html', 'frameName')", ...],
["tab text","javascript: getURLForFrame()", ...],