Recent Questions
Q: We have found that some of the menu /sub menu trees do not "collapse" when youclick on another item of the web tree view Do you have any suggestions as to what we can look at to correct the problem?
A: Check the following parameters:
var tcloseExpanded=1;
var tcloseExpandedXP=1;
Q: My submenu in the mouse over drop down menu is faded too quickly if I pull away the mouse.
A: Try to use the following parameter:
You can use the following parameters there:
var smShowPause=200;
var smHidePause=5000;
Q: I do not know how to prevent IE7 or IE8 displaying a security warning for the javascript dropdown menuI have created using your software. I get the warning message when I view the menu that I have created.
A: Try to set the following options in Internet Explorer:
1) Go to 'Tools -> Internet Options -> Security'
2) Select Local Intranet and then press 'Custom level...' button.
3) Run ActiveX Controls and plug-ins = Enable
Automated Prompting for ActiveX Controls = Disable
Q: I’m getting the error “dmObjectsCheck is undefined”. I have attached the HTML output of the page. Let me know what’s missing.
A: Please, check that you have dmenu_add.js file in the same folder withdmenu.js.
You can also send us your data.js file and we will check it.