Recent Questions
Q: Sub menu is opened on mouseover only.But our requirement is that submenu for horizontal menu should be open onclick of mouse event. Could you please suggest us if we are missing something?
A: Try to use the following parameters:
var showByClick=1;Q: I cant find any option to change only the submenu tab javascript fonts, not all.
A: You should create Individual Item style and assign it to yoursubmenus.
Q: I'm curious to know if this dhtml menu cross frame work with frames. Are there any limitations regarding frames?
I'm thinking of having the tree in a left-hand frame and using it to change two stacking frames to the right. Do you foresee any issues with this plan?
A: Deluxe Menu
There is cross-frame mode in Deluxe Menu, see more info here:
Deluxe Tree
You can install your Tree Menu in a left-hand frame and load pages inthe another frames. You can set target using the following dhtml menu cross frame parameter:
var titemTarget = "framename";
Please, try the trial version.
Q: How can we predefine the COLOR of the pressed item for the css tree menu?
A: See the following parameter:
var tpressedFontColor="#AA0000";