Menu Desplegables Opensource by
Menu Desplegables Opensource

Menu Screenshots

Menu Desplegables Opensource Javascript Disable Pulldown


Unrivalled Features
  • Scrollable, dragable, floating, right-click menus
  • Keyboard navigation - press Ctrl+F2 to enter the menu
  • Unique Java Script API for altering menu "on-the-fly", without page reloading
  • AJAX technology - loads menu data from the server "on-fly and on-demand".
  • Search feature - add the search area in the menu and type symbols. The found words will be higlighted.
  • Sound support!
Cost Effective
Cascading Web Menu Menu Desplegables Opensource
Easy Setup
  • De Luxe Tuner. GUI interface to create your menu desplegables opensource menus easily and in no time
  • Sensible menu parameters for manual editing
  • Full cross-browser compatibility including IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror and Safari on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Menu can be populated from a database using ASP, PHP, etc.
  • Search engine friendly
  • Support for any doctypes
  • Fits for secure sites
  • Section 508 compliant
Seamless Integration
  • Cross-frame support - menus work on frameset-based pages
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items

2.0 Buttons by v3.0.0

Javascript Menu. DHTML Menu.

  • Sub menus dropdown over all the objects on the page (select, applet, flash, object, embed). If for some reasons (old browser) a submenu can't go over an object, the object will be hidden for a time when the submenu is shown.
  • Design personal styles for any submenu and item. Use individual styles to rich killer visual effects!
  • These effects will make your menu neat and chic. You can set transparency, cast a shadow on the menu and submenus. Among available special visual effects there are random dissolve, fade, mix, mosaic slide out and many many others.

Recent Questions

Q: Does Deluxe-Menu work on .ASPX pages.  Actually, I have got them to but the icons don’t appear. This may just be a path issue but I don’t see anything on your site saying that it will work with ASPX.Please let me know.

A: Deluxe Menu works fine on .ASPX pages.
You should install Deluxe Menu on the .aspx page in the same way asyou install it on the html page.

You can use additional parameters to make menu paths absolute:

  var pathPrefix_img = "";
  var pathPrefix_link = "";

These parameters allow to make images and links paths absolute.
For example:

  var pathPrefix_img = "";
  var pathPrefix_link = "";

  var menuItems = [
["text", "index.html", "icon1.gif", "icon2.gif"],

So, link path will be look so:

Images paths will be look so:

Please, try to use these parameters.

Q: Is your menu maker compatable with Expression Web?

A: Deluxe Menu wasn't developed as Dreamweaver/Frontpage/Microsoft Expression Web extension,BUT you can use it as standard Javascript files. To install the menuinto your html page:

1. open the page in your program
2. open html source code of the page
3. add several rows of code (<script> tags), For info see:

That's all.
To create and configure your menus use Deluxe Tuner application(included into the trial package):

Q: I would like to separate each main menu item in a dhtml menu bar with a dotted line graphic.

A: To add a separator you should

//--- Separators
  var separatorImage=""; //for subitems (top items in vertical menu)
  var separatorWidth="100%";
  var separatorHeight="3px";
  var separatorAlignment="right";
  var separatorVImage="separator.gif"; //for the top items (subitems items in vertical menu)
  var separatorVWidth="100%";
  var separatorVHeight="2px";
  var separatorPadding="";

You can create separators using menuItems, for example:

  var menuItems = [
["item 1"],
["-"], // this item is separator
["item 2"],

Q: Thanks for swift reply, however:
Tried the dmenu.js (only one we use) at our trial site and get the error :
Line 13
Invalid argument

- as you know this js file is obfuscated to one line, so using a debugger does not apply.

A: See the attached example. I've upgraded your javascript layer menu to Deluxe Menu v3.0.
use data file and engine files from the attachment.

You had several errors in the structure of menuItems.

It is not correct to write

 ["| Contact us","","","","","","8","","",],
   ["||| Energy team","","","","","","8","","",],

You should write:
 ["| Contact us","","","","","","8","","",],
   ["|| Energy team","","","","","","8","","",],