Recent Questions
Q: Is there a way to capture which menu item was clicked in the popup menu and store that information into a database?
A: See how you can find the ID of the clicked item:
var menuItems = [
["Home","javascript:alert(", "", "", "", "_self", "3"],
Q: The problem with the old computer (by clicking an item the wrong subitem appears and the windows disappears not fast enough. I have tried your recommendation
var smShowPause=200;
var smHidePause=1000;
var transDuration=350;
var transDuration2=200;
A: Try to decrease these parameters, for example
var smShowPause=200;
var smHidePause=300;
Try that.
Q: I've seen, that it's possible to open the linked contents for the javascript floating menu in the same or in a new window or in a frame ,but is it possible, too, to generate a new tab?Open a new tab seems to be less risky ... is there any solution to beused with Drop Down Menu? I tried to use "_tab" instead of "_self" or"_parent", but it did not work!
A: You should use _blank.
If your browser supports tabs your link will beopened in a new tab (except IE, in IE it will be opened in a newwindow).
Q: I downloaded the trial version of Deluxe Tuner and love the menus it makes. I'm havinga major problem centering the expandable menu in a table. I'm using FrontPage 2002 but added thescript into the page via notepad. No matter what I try, the expandable menu stays on the left ofthe table. Do you have any suggestions? I'm sure you must have a list of problemsassociated with FrontPage. Can you please help me?
A: To center the menu on your html page you should set the followingparameter and install the menu in the following way:
var absolutePos=0;
<div align=center>
<script type="text/javascript" src="deluxe-menu/dmenu.js"></script>
<table width=800>
<td align=center width=600><script type="text/javascript"