Recent Questions
Q: I have not seen anything that can help me in the question list and would like to ask how to have a mouseover drop down menu closed by default. I know that by preceding it with a '+' has it open and had assumed that removing it would close it, but it does not seem to do this.
Where in the scripts do I need to change this value and will this be updated in the future?
A: You should delete "+" signs in the top items and set the followingparameter:
var texpanded=0;
Q: I am testing your product, and I would like to know, on the menu can the Plus sign be changed to expand a menu to a pointer or bullet?
A: You can use your own icons instead of Plus sign.
You should use the following parameters:
var texpandBtn=["default.files/expandbtn2.gif","default.files/expandbtn2.gif","default.files/collapsebtn2.gif"];
var texpandBtnW=9;
var texpandBtnH=9;
Q: We have a question and a problem.
This is a link to our website with your menue:
Down the navigation point "FAQґs" is a submenue like darm, diverses, einlagen etc....)
If you click on a link in this submenue a new window open _BLANK!
Is it possible to open the new site in a popup in dhtml drop down menu, like 800 x 600 or something?
A: You should paste the following code inside 'Link' field of menuItems (you can do it inDeluxe Tuner):'','_blank','height=600,width=800, status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');
Q: Do I need any additional loaded software as a visitor to a webplace using the Deluxmenu, for example Java applet, flash etc.?
A: You don't have to install additional software.
Your customer should change security settings in IE to allow Javascript on pages he loads.
When your security settings in IE doesn't allow Javascript onpages you load you can't see a dynamic page content.
There is no way to enable these preferences automatically, in othercase there are no reasons to create security preferences.