Recent Questions
Q: If is there any way I can give some space between pressed_item and hover item for the rollover menus
A: You can try to specify spacing parameter:
var itemSpacing=1;
You can also try to use separators.
You should add separator between menu items:
["item","#", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["item","#", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Use "Add Separator button in Deluxe Tuner.
Set separator parameters in the following way:
//--- Separators
var separatorImage="";
var separatorWidth="100%";
var separatorHeight="2px";
var separatorAlignment="left";
var separatorVImage="data.files/separator.jpg";
var separatorVWidth="2px";
var separatorVHeight="100%";
var separatorPadding="0px";
Q: I recently downloaded the trial version of Deluxe Tuner to create a pop-up menu for my website. The menu looks amazing, and I am convinced from the trial that this is a product that I could definitely use.
However, I'm having so much trouble putting my horizontal drop down menu into my Dreamweaver html. I've followed the instructions given, but my menu still does not appear. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks, and I'm looking forward to figuring this out, because if it's an easy program to use, I will for sure be buying the full version!!
A: Check that you've copied "Homedir/" folder with all menus files and data.js file into the same folder withHome page.html file.
Notice also that in the Design mode your drop down menu may displayincorrectly. It is normal. You should view your page in browser preview.
Q: Compliments on your product, I particularly enjoy the complete set of gui and java, that allows for the quick changes.
After a couple of months of using the trial, I have now purchased it and installed the license.
My question however regards the performance of the menu. Using firebug I note that my deluxe menu .js are the performance bottlenecks, It appears as if they are not being cached and it appears that collecting them is taking longer then the other .js files. What can I do to optimize the load time of the javascript multi level menu and prevent, reloading it from the server with every page reload. The apache has set the expiry correct I believe, as I understand from the header.
A: You can try to use AJAX technology.
AJAX-like technology: data for submenus can be loaded "on-the-fly" from the server.
New parameter:
var tajax = 0/1; - disables/enables AJAX-like support
Current syntax for item parameters ( var tmenuItems):
[text, link, iconNormal, iconOver, iconExpanded, tip, target, itemStyleInd, itemXPStyleInd, jsFileName]
Where jsFileName - .js filename on the server with submenu items ( var tmenuItems).
Q: I am evaluating your tabs before I purchase and I raninto a small problem.I need to be able to execute some javascript when I click on a tab in a navigation bar tabs
A: You can use your own javascript functions in the menu items.
You should paste "javascript:some_function()" into item's link field, for example:
["tab text","javascript:'test.html', 'frameName')", ...],
["tab text","javascript: getURLForFrame()", ...],