Recent Questions
Q: I'm using your DHTML menu product.
I've read the parameters but am unable to make the drop down menu links stop spawning a new window on click.
I love the product and want to use it on my web but I've got to make it stop having babies! Have you some advice for me or a FAQ page you can send?
A: You should use the following parameter
var itemTarget = "_self";
Please, see also individual items targets, for example:
["|Features","testlink.html", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", , "_blank", , , , ],
Change "_blank" to "" or to "_self".
Q: I use the apy menu inside a table cell and it has 6 sub menus. The table width is 600 so I would like to have each sub menu with width 100 and each item with the same width. I use menuWidth=100 and itemWidth=100 but it doesn't work, each menu has a different size depending on the label.
Also, each sub menu label can fit in less than 100 but I really want the width to be 100 so it looks consistant across the full menu.
What am I doing wrong ?
A: You should use individual item styles. For example:
var itemStyles = [
Menus","", "", "", , , "0", , , , , ],
products","", "", "", , , "0", , , , , ],
["Contacts","", "", "", , , "0", , , , , ],
See the attached example.
Q: Is it possible to change the mouseover font style to bold within the deluxe menu?
A: Unfortunately, Deluxe Menu can't change font weight.
If you want to do that you can paste your own <div> withinitem's text field and change a font yourselves.
For example:
function changeFont(obj, over)
{ = over ? 'bold' : 'normal';
var menuItems = [
["<div onMouseOver='changeFont(this, 1)' onMouseOut='changeFont(this, 0)'>item text</div>", link, ...]
Q: We purchased your Deluxe Menu 2.0 and have realised that in the Firefox browser the shadowing around the css javascript menu is not visible.
Please could you tell us how to correct this.
A: See, transitional effects (shadow) are features of Internet Explorer 5.5+ only.
More info you can find here: