Recent Questions
Q: I'm having trouble getting some of my dhtml menus free opening in the frm2. If you look under products, then Hard drives, then Rugged Airborne .....this one and Rugged Ground will not open in frm2 but the Contact Us and Get Quote are working fine. Can you help me get these things to open in a frm2.
A: You should write your menu items correctly.
Now you have
["||Rugged Airborne","../RuggedAirborne.htm","Airborne,"frm2","0", ],
["||Rugged Ground","../RuggedGround.htm","Ground","frm2","0", ],
it is not correct.
You should write:
["||Rugged Airborne","../RuggedAirborne.htm","","","Airborne,"frm2","0", ],
["||Rugged Ground","../RuggedGround.htm","","","Ground","frm2","0", ],
Q: I am having a problem trying to figure out how to generate a link to a popup window.
I looked at what you have on your site but it is not clear to me.
A: You can show the popup window when you hover, click or mouseout on some elements on your
page. For example you've added an image in your html page. You should specify the ID for it, for example:
<p><img id="open_popup" border="0" src="images/submenu-bg.gif" width="170" height="29"></p>
In the Deluxe Tuner you should enter 'open_popup' object ID in the onMouseOver,
onClick or onMouseOut fields.
Actually you can assign id to any object on your page manually. You should specify ID's - id="xxxx"
for <a>, <div>, <img> ... tags.
Or you want to open a popup onMouseover, onClick or onMouseout on a link.
So, you should create a link (you can also use other object) on your page and set id="" for it,
<a href="javascript:;" id="link">Open popup OnClick</a>
<a href="javascript:;" id="over">Open popup OnMouseover</a>
<a href="javascript:;" id="out">Open popup OnMouseOut</a>
In Deluxe Tuner you should set:
onMouseOver - over
onMouseOut - out
onClick - link
If you want to show the popup when your page loads you should leave these fields empty:
Q: Is it possible to make on top of the css tree menu 2 extra buttons:
* Expand all
* Collapse all
Which command do I use???
A: Tree Menu doesn't have such a feature now.
You can write your own function based on the following API functions:
function dtreet_ext_showItem (itemID, visibility)
function dtreet_ext_expandItem (itemID, expand)
Q: I have used for your software for Menu creation(Trial version). We integrated it in our appliaction running good on IE 6. It has some whitespaces also. Menu using dhtml is not displayed in IE 7 when integrated in our application. When we call your html directly in IE 7 then it displays.
In Mozilla ,menu is displayed but without transitional Effects.
I am interest buy your software. If we are assured that above issues will be fixed in licensed version.
A: > Menu using dhtml is not displayed in IE 7 when integrated in our application.Try to set exact width for the menu, for example: var menuWidth="300px";
> In Mozilla, menu using dhtml is displayed but without transitional Effects.Filters and transitional effects are features of Internet Explorer5.5+ only.
See more info here: