Recent Questions
Q: Can I expand all tree category, or expand two tree category?
I like your javascript menu expand product.
A: You can expand all items in Deluxe Tree, set:
var texpanded=1;
To expand specific items you should add "+" sign before item's text:
["+Samples Gallery","", "", "", "", "XP Title Tip", "", "1", "0", "", ],
["|+Samples Block 1","", "default.files/icon3_s.gif", "default.files/icon3_so.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||New Sample 1","testlink.htm", "default.files/iconarrs.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||New Sample 2","testlink.htm", "default.files/iconarrs.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: I updated .js files and added var key to data file.
When I tested there is no nag tag. But the sub-menu no longer worked. (it worked before with "Trail Version" nag).
The status bar on IE shows "Error on page".
I am looking forward to your help.
A: Please, see menu parameters. Now you have:
var menuBorderWidth="";
var itemBorderWidth="";
You should write:
var menuBorderWidth=0;
var itemBorderWidth=0;
Q: I am in the early stages of desgning a website for a client and am looking for a particular menu script.
I came across your site ad am impressed with the options. However, I am haivng trouble finding something that will do what the client is looking for.
With a horizontal menu bar across the top, a drop down sub-menu appears but the menu items appear side by side insdie of in a column.
I was hopeing that one of your options might be able to handle this type of menu but I do not see that there is a script for it. Is that true or is it possible to achieve this example in a setting in one of your scripts.
A: You can create such menu with Deluxe Menu.
Please, see the attached example.
You should set this parameter:
var smOrientation=1;
You can create any style of the menu.
Please, try the trial version,
Q: How do I turn off the transitional effects for the dreamweaver drop down menu?
A: To turn off transitional effects you should set the following parameters:
var transition=-1;
var transOptions="";
var transDuration=0;
var transDuration2=0;