Recent Questions
Q: I can't get Cyrillic text in my free javascript dropdown menu. Where's the problem.
A: I've just checked an application. I can use Cyrillic text in Web Buttons.
Click "Font" button in the text dialog and select Script : Cyrillic.
Q: Some menu entries may be disabled and clicking on them should produce predefined javascript alert message?
A: To create disabled items you should set "_" symbol in the targetparameter of the menuItems.
If the target is "_" the item is disabled.
You can assign a font color for all disabled items using the following menu parameter:
var fontColorDisabled = "#AAAAAA";
You can write a javascript code instead of an item link:
["item text", "javascript:alert('Hello World')", , , ,"_",]
That's all.
Q: I'm trying to disable a javascript mouse over menu item using the MS Office style 2 template and having no luck. Can you please provide me a sample of the MS Office style 2 template that will disable an item on the menu by graying it out?
A: To disable menu item you should set "_" target for it.
If you want that your disabled items have a grey color (in css-basedmenu) you should create additional style for it and assign this stylefor the disabled items:
font: normal 11px Tahoma, Arial;
color: #AAAAAA;
padding: 3px;
["|What's New","", "images/icon_office_note.gif", "images/icon_office_note2.gif", ,"_","1", , , ],
["||Popup Mode (Contextual Menus)","", "images/icon_office_mark.gif", "images/icon_office_mark.gif", ,"_","1", , , ],
You can find more info about menu items here:
Q: I'd like to buy a template for creating a basic vertical javascript popout menu that is image based. Can you tell me which of your products I should consider buying? I'm familiar with html, but not other programming languages.
A: If you want to create javascript popout menu you should buy Deluxe Menu,
See the example here:
You can also use your own images for the menu items.
If item text is empty, icon fields will be used as item images.
For example:
["", "index.html", "itemImageNormal.gif", "itemImageOver.gif", "Home Page"]
Please, try the trial version at first. It has full functionality.