Recent Questions
Q: I recently purchased Deluxe Menu and I am getting the attached error message every time my cursor passes over the toolbar at thetop of the main program window. Is there a fix?
A: I suppose that you're using Windows 2000.
We have some problems with Tuner on this OS.
Unfortunately we didn't fix the issue with Windows 2000 yet.
Try to delete all content from toolbar.html file.
C:/Program Files/DeluxeMenus/deluxe-menu/deluxe-tuner/data/deluxe-tree/toolbar/toolbar.html
C:/Program Files/DeluxeMenus/deluxe-menu/deluxe-tuner/data/deluxe-menu/toolbar/toolbar.html
C:/Program Files/DeluxeMenus/deluxe-menu/deluxe-tuner/data/deluxe-tabs/toolbar/toolbar.html
Q: I am interested in purchasing your product for use in my company's website code. My clients are not tech-savy, and I do not want to include any code that will generate concern or problems on the user end.
Is there a way to use the JavaScript menus without generating the warning as mentioned in the subject? I know how to allow the active content on my web browser, but I want code that will not require such actions on their browsers.
A: Thanks for your interest in our products.
Your clients should check browser settings.
Unfortunately, we can't affect on the browser behavior in this case.
Q: I have menus generated by you deluxe menu package . They look fine on all my computer but look bad on my friends computer.
Can this be fixed?
A: Thanks for your interest in our products.
Try to specify all units in "px", for example:
var menuHeight="22px";
Try to set exact width for menu item
var menuWidth="736px";
Try also not to set
var smWidth="0";
var smHeight="0";
Please, see the attached data file.
You can use additional parameters to make menu paths absolute:
var pathPrefix_img = "";
var pathPrefix_link = "";
These parameters allow to make images and links paths absolute.
For example:
var pathPrefix_img = "";
var pathPrefix_link = "";
var menuItems = [
["text", "index.html", "icon1.gif", "icon2.gif"],
So, link path will be look so:
Images paths will be look so:
Please, try to use these parameters.
Q: Thanks for getting back with me but how do you build the menu?
I opened Deluxe Tuner program to build a menu and there are categories titled common, dimensions, font, appearance etc. and I have NO IDEA what to do?
Can you walk me through the development of a menu?
A: First of all you should add items.
Please, click "Add item" and "Add subitem".
In the "Item parameters" window you can set text, link, target, iconsfor the menu items. You can also assign different style for each menuitem (item style and submenu style).
But at first you should create this style. Click "Edit IndividualStyle/Add Style" and set different parameters for the style.
Try to set different parameters of the menu.
In the "Preview window" you can see all your changes.
First of all you should choose menu orientation:
var isHorizontal = 1; Menu orientation: 0 - vertical, 1 - horizontal.
You can set exact width and height of the menu in the "Dimension"category.
You should set
var absolutePos=1;
if you want to have absolute positioning menu.
Font style you can set in the "Font" category.
To set color of the menu you should set the following parameters:
var menuBackColor="#FCEEB0";
var menuBorderColor="#C0AF62";
var itemBackColor=["#FCEEB0","#65BDDC"];
var itemBorderColor=["#FCEEB0","#4C99AB"];
Try also to change these parameters:
var itemSpacing=3;
var itemPadding="3px";
Arrows for main items and subitems you can set here:
var arrowImageMain=["default.files/arrowmain.gif","default.files/arrowmaino.gif"];
var arrowImageSub=["default.files/arrowsub.gif","default.files/arrowsubo.gif"];
If want to have floatable or movable menu you should set the followingparameters:
var floatable=0;
var movable=0;
You can also try to change any template.