Recent Questions
Q: How can I remove the vertical lines that connect the + signs in my javascript slide out menu. I do want to keep the -+ signs but just not the virticle lines.
A: See the following javascript slide out menu parameters:
// Lines
var tpoints = 1;
var tpointsImage = "vpoint.gif";
var tpointsVImage = "hpoint.gif";
var tpointsCImage = "cpoint.gif";
If you don't want to use lines you should set:
// Lines
var tpoints = 0;
var tpointsImage = "";
var tpointsVImage = "";
var tpointsCImage = "";
Q: I have bought this from you. What is the name of the divlayer(s)? Here's a bit of the modified menu code:
["|<iframe height=400 width=435 frameborder=0 scrolling=no src=my_bookmarks.asp></iframe>","","","","0",,,],
I open an Iframe inside the javascript menu design item, and it works fine, but is there a way to close it? I know the commands for hide layers, but I can't find any div layer names to use.
A: I'm not sure I understand you.
Do you want to hide your items?
You can try to use API functions
function dm_ext_changeItemVisibility (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, visibility)
Find more info here:
Q: I am developing a site where the customer does not want any transition effects within the IE browser.
I want to emulate the above mentioned browsers with the same transition.
When mousing over javascript flyout menu - the submenu should appear with no effect.
A: To turn off transitional effects you should set the following parameters:
var transition=-1;
var transOptions="";
var transDuration=0;
var transDuration2=0;
Q: How do I make the buttons in my java navigation menu transparent?
I only want to see the letters appear in my table and not the button until I mouse over it?
A: To set transparent background for the menu you should set:
var menuBackColor="transparent";
var itemBackColor=["transparent","transparent"];